Google Android is the next buzzword in the Mobile world. Everyone from developers to users to cellphone manufacturers are focusing more and more on the Android platform. This has made Android an important platform for rapid development and has made many porting over from other platforms to Android.
The latest and the most intriguing in this list is the .NET framework. In a recent blog post, Miguel De Icaza has written that work has just begun to port the Mono implementation of Microsoft’s c#.NET into Android. Mono has been ported successfully to the iPhone environment and the Android version should be expected by August this year. The version for Android is codenamed MonoDroid while the one for iPhone goes as MonoTouch. MonoTouch is available for the iPad as well.
Miguel says,

Our vision is to allow developers to reuse their engine and business logic code across all mobile platforms and swapping out the user interface code for a platform-specific API. MonoTouch for iPhone devices and the Monodroid APIs for Android devices.
Miguel De Icaza, the leader of this project hopes to show a preview of this technology at the Mix1o. The project can be compiled on ARM as well just like on Android or iPhone. This year will see more conversions and heat in the Mono world.