A recent report at OpenSource.org has brought up an interesting fact. The Malaysian government is using 97% open source software. That is a decisive fraction and Malaysia being way ahead of many other Asian countries in technology, sets an example for them to follow.
The state of Tamil Nadu in India has been using OSS (Open Source Software) for the last two years and it has worked wonders for them. However, a full country switching to Open Source is a welcome move. One thing to remember here is that OSS does not mean there will be no costs involved in it at all. There is live and in-place support you need to pay for.

The report reveals that 703 of 724 agencies in Malaysia have switched to Open Source Software. The Malaysian government is using OpenOffice, MySQL, Apache web server and a Linux based distro. Quoting opensource.org, this is a historic achievement and Malaysia needs thumbs up for this great achievement.
The Malaysian government is not satisfied though. It aims at a 100% conversion to Open Source Software.
Are you wondering where the US stands at Open Source adoption?